Tuesday, January 18, 2005

cause i can't write what i know, it's not worth writing

so i'm not sure what to do about this blog. i only created it since i needed to create a blogspot account in order to make a comment on a friend's blog. i feel so 2005 dropping all these "blogs." if i ever figure out how all this stuff works i'll link to my friend's blog. since i had to create the account i figured, "what the hey," i'll just go ahead and make this blog. sure i've made blog posts in my head, even had the name thought up for quite awhile, but i figured it would go the way of all the movies i make in my head and short stories that are never committed to paper or computer screen. but if i have the account, might as well post something.

i'm not sure how often i'll write. or what i'll about. or if i'll even tell others about it. my secret blog. i've always struggled with sharing my writing with other people. i'd have to chew pepto tablets before having papers workshopped in college classes.* also in college, when i wrote for the paper i wanted people to read my columns and articles. but never when i was around. i preferred it to be anonymous. does it get anymore anonymous than a blog?

*after rereading this i've decided this is a lie. i don't really think i chewed pepto before writing classes when i was going to be workshopped. but i did chomp chomp chewy chomp pepto before other things that stressed me out so i'm leaving the lie in. i like the way it sounds. i think they call that literary license. or something.