Thursday, March 09, 2006

wants a glass of water but she sweetly mouths a "no"

cotton mather - homefront cameo

my return to the meadville airways titled "i've made a huge mistake." tune in thursdays from 1 to 2 pm in the good old eastern time zone. with the one hour length i'm thinking about trying to come up with a theme for each week, even though that would mean ripping off mike's porkchop radio. i hope he doesn't mind. just can't help but think of this new show length of mine as a perfect mixtape length. i didn't exactly have a cohesive theme this week, more just stuff i've been digging grouped into a couple thematic sections. feel free to make suggestions for future shows.

  • the six parts seven - what you love you must love now
  • i love you but i've chosen darkness - we're still the weaker sex
  • ...and you will know us by the trail of dead - relative ways
  • cotton mather - homefront cameo
  • american analog set - the promise of love
  • spoon - me and the bean
  • portastatic - through with people
  • wilco - radio cure (live)
  • the minus 5 - with a gun
  • the new pornographers - the bones of an idol
  • neko case - a widow's toast
  • destroyer - priest's knees
  • wolf parade - shine a light
  • red house painters - wop-a-din-din
  • the weakerthans - plea from a cat named virtute
  • the elected - the bank and trust
  • jenny lewis & the watson twins - rise up with fists!
  • the avett brothers - famous flower of manhattan

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